Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 Years

I can't believe it has been 3 years since Caden was born. So much has happened, so much has changed. I still wonder what my little boy would be like, what he would be up to if he were here with us. I imagine him playing with trucks and trains and fighting those battles with us that 3 year olds do. Looking at him in amazement and wonder where he came up with the clever things he would say. Playing with his big brother. And of course blowing out the candles every year on his birthday cake.

He had monster trucks this year.
Jayce writing a special message to Caden on his birthday balloons.
Caden's balloon floating to heaven.
mmm, cake - Brylee really enjoyed his cake!

We love you Caden!

1 comment:

2blessed2stress said...

Tiff, I just had to come over and tell you i was thinking about you and Caiden today! HUGS!