Saturday, April 25, 2009

Miss Independent

Brylee decided she is done with letting others feed her today. I tried to feed her breakfast (oatmeal & peaches) and she was having no part of it- insisted on doing it herself. She had a hard time getting the goop on her spoon so she allowed me to help her with that, but overall she did pretty well.

The finished product... And finally a pic of her showing her toofies! You can see her eye tooth coming in as well.

And here's a video of dinner - please be patient and ignore my annoying voice! I *think* Brylee is trying to say, "pasta"...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Sunday

Family photo sans Brylee! Oops, we forgot to get a photo with her in it after she finished napping! Bad parents :(

So Brian *thinks* he is funny and told Jayce the Easter Bunny lost his job due to the bad economy - haha very funny. I told Jayce that daddy was just messing with him, but I guess he still believed him. He was soooo excited to see that they got baskets the next morning. Even said, "I guess the Easter Bunny still has his job!"
Brylee loves this princess ball she got. Jayce and I chuck it at each other and say, "Oowwwe." She cracks up!
And Jayce loves his movie. He has already watched it 5 times. (It's really cute). We even took it to bed one night with popcorn and soda - shh, don't tell anyone.

So it was cold, as it usually is for Easter in Colorado. Thankfully the rain held off just long enough for the kids to do a little outdoor egg hunting at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Brylee hated her dress. She got into a mood as soon as I put it on her. She kept trying to rip it off! She looked so pretty.
Daddy showing Brylee what to do...
She got the hang of it really quickly...
Of course, Jayce was a superstar!

The Easter Bunny even made it over there.

We took my parents out for Easter lunch at Bloom. Oh, Wow! They had a few specials for the day and the halibut was AMAZING! And the dessert - Bars of Sin - I highly recommend if you go!
Oh, and here's a favorite from the day. Brylee loved her bunny!

Egg Dying

I do believe this is the first year we have dyed Easter eggs as a family. The kids had a great time! And we got away without too big of a mess even.
Jayce with the finished product. Our "special" eggs lined up in the front with our names & other little things on them.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tooth Update on Both Kiddos

So Jayce lost his second tooth - finally. It has been hanging on by threads for a couple weeks now. I am just glad it's out because his big tooth started coming in way behind his baby tooth. I am really hoping he has nice straight teeth and won't have to get braces like mom! It's so funny each time he loses a tooth - he suddenly develops a little lisp.

Brylee is starting to cut her upper right front tooth. So she is officially up to 3 now! Wish I could get some smiley Brylee pics to share, but no such luck yet.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

She's Gonna be a Wild One

Jayce got a new 4-wheeler and Brylee wanted to go for a cruise so bad. This little girl has no fear. She kept climbing up every time we took her down.