Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rollie Pollie

Well, I am sitting here at my computer and Brylee girl is laying on the floor next to us. Had her laying on her back, looked over and she's on her side. Then she slowly started creeping further and further along. She kicked her little legs over and I thought she was stuck, but finally she managed to get her arms out from under her and was all the way over on her tummy! So proud of my big girl! The crazy things parents get all excited about...

Monday, May 5, 2008

PB'ing Shoot Yesterday & Disorganization!

My dear friend was generous enough to lend me her 1 month old baby girl for a portfolio building shoot yesterday. Taking pictures of a newborn can definitely be a challenge (I only got peed on once), but I had so much fun with the beautiful little princess. I hope to be posting some pics of Miss B on my photography blog later in the week.

So with all the fun yesterday and having to pay our debt to society the day before (little late getting taxes done), didn't leave much time for unpacking and getting the house organized. So needless to say, we are living in slight chaos right now. As soon as we make some progress and get the house looking presentable, I will post those pictures!